Diversity, equity and inclusion
Everybody is welcome here
At BlueCare, we welcome people of all sexualities, genders, ethnicities, faiths, abilities and interests. We want our customers, employees and volunteers to always feel safe, heard and understood. Our approach is simple – everybody is welcome here.
Our culture promotes creativity, enjoyment and a commitment to person-centred care. Our workforce – and the people we support – are diverse in race, gender, age, cultural background, language, religion, sexuality, abilities, interests and choices. We respect diversity in the people we support, their families, and with our volunteers and employees. We know that when our people feel respected and valued, we empower them to share that within the communities we serve and to provide the very best care.
Our BlueCare diversity, equity and inclusion approach has identified priority areas, including:
BlueCare aims to become an employer of choice for people with disability. All leaders and areas play an important role in driving disability employment across the organisation. As part of UnitingCare, our Disability Employment Guide sets clear organisational expectations on disability employment, inclusive language, and where leaders can find advice and support in how to employ more people with disability.
Since 2019, BlueCare has established programs with Project SEARCH. The Project SEARCH Transition to-Work Program is a unique, business-led, one-year employment preparation program of UnitingCare, which takes place at a BlueCare workplace. The program assists young adults aged 17-28 with a disability to develop workplace skills and secure pathways into stable and rewarding employment in the open labour market.
To achieve the goal of competitive employment, the program provides real-life work experience combined with training in employability and life skills to assist participants make successful transitions to productive adult life.
We highly encourage job applications from people with a disability. If you have any accessibility requirements, please feel free to reach out to People Advisory on 1300 136 757 (Option 2) to discuss.
At BlueCare, we acknowledge and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as Australia’s First Nations peoples.
Working in respectful partnerships with First Nations communities, our aim is to constructively and practically make a difference in the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples we support and their communities.
As part of the UnitingCare family, BlueCare is committed to reconciliation and is working through initiatives on equal opportunity, cultural awareness, cultural capability, justice and community engagement, as outlined in our Reconciliation Action Plan. Read about our work towards reconciliation.
We highly encourage job applications from people who identify as a part of the Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Community. Read more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander careers at BlueCare.
Our approach is simple – everyone is welcome here. We celebrate and embrace people’s diversity and everything that makes them who they are.
All BlueCare policies and employee benefits are inclusive of all our people, no matter their sexuality and gender identity. If you’re a member of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) community, you’ll feel like you belong here.
Our journey to LGBTQ inclusion is led by allies who work together to support our staff and customers to be their true selves at work and in our services.
An Ally is an advocate for LGBTQ inclusion – a supporter, a friend, a person who wants to see change and is prepared to help bring it about. As part of the UnitingCare family, our Ally program aims to support all LGBTQ people. Under the program, a visible network of UnitingCare employees – Allies – work to ensure our environments are safe, welcoming and inclusive for sexually and gender diverse people, whether they be employees, volunteers or customers.
This program supports our commitment to ensuring people are free to be their whole selves, where they can work and live in safe and positive environments, free from harassment, discrimination or bullying. We have Allies spread across the organisation to whom our employees and volunteers can reach out and have a conversation.
We provide LGBTQ inclusion training to our employees and leaders and ensure the lived experiences of LGBTQ communities inform our service delivery and the way we interact with our customers.
We celebrate and recognise key awareness events each year through our diversity awareness days calendar, including:
If you have any specific LGBTQ-related questions, please email diversity@ucareqld.com.au
The Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Act) replaced the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999. The strengthened legislation aims to improve and promote equality for both women and men in the workplace.
The principal objects of the Act are to:
As part of the UnitingCare family, we are proud to be recognised by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA). Download our report to the WGEA.
At BlueCare, we believe that we need to be brave to create change in our community to ensure everyone, no matter their cultural background, feels comfortable bringing their whole selves to work or to our services. We support an environment that respects, protects and welcomes people of all cultural traditions and faiths.
We have strategic actions in place to promote a diverse and inclusive environment where our employees reflect the cultural diversity of our clients and the communities we serve. Our Cultural Appreciation Program contains training modules available to all leaders and employees to learn about our diverse history, appropriate language use, and cultural safety in the workplace.
You’ll be respected and valued for your own unique talents and qualities. For example, if you speak a second language and have the lived experience of another culture, we believe this will make a valuable contribution to our services.