BlueCare Masters Lodge residents drive change through volunteering
Residents at BlueCare Masters Lodge aged care facility in Hervey Bay are taking an active role in making their home a better place for everyone.
BlueCare General Manager Jane Jackson said six residents have been volunteering across various areas of life at Masters Lodge.
“It’s a win-win; our residents gain a strong sense of ownership, confidence and pride in their work, and their contribution helps make residents and visitors feel welcome and engaged at Masters Lodge,” Ms Jackson said.
Fraser Coast Regional Council Mayor George Seymour recently visited Masters Lodge to present the volunteer residents with certificates of recognition.
“Our volunteer residents contribute so much to the culture and social fabric of Masters Lodge, and they were thrilled to have their efforts recognised by the Mayor,” said Ms Jackson.
“We know the benefits of people staying mentally active, trying new things and engaging in various activities as they age and it’s great to see those benefits playing out here.”
Ms Jackson said the residents’ volunteer roles play to their strengths and interests.
“Norm, Elsie and Therese are our centre buddies – they welcome new residents over a cuppa, introduce them to other people, tell them all about our activities and generally help them feel at home,” she said.
“Vi is our events assistant. She has over 45 years’ experience volunteering in the Hervey Bay community, so she has great insight into the best activities for our residents.
“Ruth has always been well-known and respected in the local community, and continues that path as our resident community leader. As a proud Aboriginal woman, Ruth shares her culture and history everywhere she goes.
“John is our Masters Lodge green thumb. He spent much of his time in the garden prior to living here, and now tends to our garden every day. It’s a great way of holding onto an important part of his identity, while making sure the other residents enjoy fresh vegetables and herbs.”
Residents celebrated the occasion and the Mayor’s visit with a Mad Hatters Party.
Media contact:
Ellen McGruer 0439 765 048